Category: Legal
Legal Terms of Use
The Sanford name and trademarks are among Sanford’s most valuable assets. The Sanford name and trademarks represent the high caliber of the Sanford employees and the quality, breadth and integrity of Sanford, its services and endeavors. Every use of the Sanford name and trademarks conveys an association with Sanford and potentially affects the institution’s reputation. Therefore, the activities with which the Sanford name and trademarks are associated must be consistent with Sanford’s mission and values, and with appropriate standards of quality and excellence.
No use of the Sanford name and trademarks is permitted that would undermine the public trust in what the Sanford name and trademarks stand for, or that would damage or depreciate their value over time. Use of the Sanford name and trademarks in connection with activities, projects, events, publications, products, and the like implies a close association with Sanford, and Sanford must maintain appropriate control and involvement with such uses to ensure that the representation of the association is accurate and not overstated.
Use of the Sanford name and trademarks must be accurate and not misleading. The public’s trust may be eroded if the Sanford name and trademarks are used inaccurately or improperly, for example, to endorse or approve an outside product, service or third party. Even the appearance of an endorsement could harm Sanford’s reputation for independence and objectivity.
Sanford strictly prohibits third parties from any use of the Sanford name and trademarks unless authorized representatives of Sanford have granted prior written approval for the use. Approval to use the Sanford name and trademarks may be subject to terms, conditions, and/or restrictions, including without limitation explicit and prominent disclaimers, as determined in accordance with this policy and the discretion of the appropriate Sanford approving individual or office. For example, when ambiguity or confusion about endorsement may exist in an otherwise approved use, Sanford requires prominent disclaimers to accompany the use, stating that Sanford does not endorse or approve third parties or their services or products.
The Sanford name and trademarks may not be used on consumer products, product packaging, or packaging inserts, and may not be used in any manner that may imply or suggest Sanford endorsement or approval of a third party or consumer product, service or entity.
In certain collaborations where the objectives of the collaboration are consistent with Sanford’s mission and values, Sanford may approve limited third party use of the Sanford name and trademarks. The terms of the collaboration and use of name provisions must be set forth in a formal written agreement between Sanford and the third party. To the extent any part of this policy conflicts or is inconsistent with any part of a written agreement or other license between the third party and Sanford, the written agreement or other license shall control. Any goodwill generated by the use of any Sanford name or trademark will be for the benefit of Sanford.
Outside organizations or companies may use the Sanford name or trademarks to reference their relationship with Sanford (for example, on their websites) only with prior written Sanford approval for the specific use.
Sanford reserves the right to revoke at any time any approval it has granted for use of the Sanford name and trademarks.
This Trademark Usage Policy applies to the use of Sanford trademarks by any third party making reference to Sanford or any of its products or services. The guidelines set forth in this policy must be followed in order to properly identify and protect Sanford’s brand names.
A Sanford trademark is any name, logo, design, nickname, trade name, acronym or other designation of Sanford, or its products or services which is used by Sanford in any signage, advertising, promotional releases or other communications with third parties. Trademarks may be registered or unregistered and become Sanford’s proprietary property upon their use in any commercial or public material or communication.
Sanford actively enforces proper use of the Sanford name and trademarks. Sanford may seek civil or criminal penalties against third parties who violate Sanford’s rights in the Sanford name or trademarks.